Category: students

  • More QP cheers

    …to Tommy Grano, who has successfully defended his second qualifying paper, “English Emotive Factive Verbs and the Semantics of Nonfinite Complementation.”  Excellent work, Tommy!

  • QP success!

    Congratulations are due to Jasmin Urban and Malcolm Elliott for their recent QP defenses! Jasmin successfully defended her first qualifying paper, “Towards a unified theory of questions: What open questions can tell us about what questions mean,” on April 7. Meanwhile, Malcolm passed his second QP, titled “Seeming and Believing: A look at perception verbs and…

  • Midtlyng at UIUC African Linguistics conference

    Patrick Midtlyng gave a talk entitled “The effects of speech rate on initial plosives and click accompaniments in Zulu” at the 40th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. The conference was held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign last Friday, April 10. Great job, Patrick!

  • Paz and Debenport moving on up

    Alejandro Paz, joint PhD student in Linguistics and Anthropology, has accepted a position at the University of Toronto – Scarborough. The position is half in Linguistics and half in Intersections, Exchanges and Encounters in the Humanities. Meanwhile, Erin Debenport has been awarded a Mellon/ACLS postdoctoral fellowship for next year. Many congratulations to each of you, Erin…

  • Upcoming talks for Dahlstrom and Kirby

    This summer, Amy Dahlstrom will be speaking on “OBJ Θ without OBJ: A typology of Meskwaki objects” at the 2009 Lexical Functional Grammar Conference. The annual conference will be held at the University of Cambridge in July. James Kirby will be giving two talks in May. The first, “Linguistic experience in tone perception,” will be given at the 2nd…