Category: students

  • SLA annual prize goes to Ben Smith

    A little birdie told us that Ben Smith (joint PhD candidate in Linguistics/Human Development) has won the 2009 Society of Linguistic Anthropology prize for Outstanding Paper by a Graduate Student. His paper, “Of marbles and (little) men: Bad luck, Aymara boyhood and masculine identification,” will be published in the Journal of Lingusitic Anthropology. (By the way,…

  • Congratulations, Osamu Sawada

    If you haven’t already, give a big congratulations to Osamu Sawada (ABD), who has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science to conduct research on his project “The semantics and pragmatics of scalar expressions: Their dimensionality and context-dependency”. During the period of this fellowship (which will begin after he finishes…

  • Belated QP congrats

    Laudations are overdue for some spring QP defenses: Hearty congratulations are due to Yaron McNabb for defending his second qualifying paper, titled “Apparent pharyngealization in French loanwords in Moroccan Arabic.” Congratulations also to Peter Klecha, who very successfully defended his first qualifying paper, “Modality and context-dependence in English futures.” Great work, guys! Hope both of you…

  • Lemieux going to SSILA

    Third-year Ph.D. student Alice Lemieux had her paper, “A compositional approach to bipartite verbs in Washo”, accepted for presentation at the SSILA 2010 Annual Meeting in Baltimore, January 7-10. Way to go!  Alice is also currently at the University of Rochester this fall as a member of the Human Language Processing Lab/Jaeger Lab. . .…

  • Publications over the summer

    Jackie Bunting’s article on Sranan, “‘Give’ and take: how dative gi contributed to the decline of ditransitive taki,” has just been published in the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages (24: 199-217, 2009). In addition, over the summer, Jason Riggle, Max Bane, and Morgan Sonderegger had their joint article “The VC Dimension of Constraint Based Grammars” published in Lingua (article…