Category: students

  • Congratulations to Nikki Adams . . .

    … on the successful defense of her dissertation, “The Zulu ditransitive verb phrase”! Her CV can be found here. On behalf of the entire department we wish you the best, Nikki!

  • Bochnak heading for D.C. and beyond

    Ryan Bochnak will be presenting a paper called “Interpreting a category of adjectives in Luganda” at the Georgetown Linguistics Society‘s annual meeting, February 12-14 in Washington, D.C.  His work is based in part on data collected from our Field Methods course last year. In addition, his paper “Two sources of gradability within the verb phrase” was accepted for presentation…

  • Kang going to WCCFL

    Arum Kang‘s abstract (entitled “On the Semantic Role of the Accentual Phrase in Korean Noun Phrase Coordination”) has been accepted for presentation in the main session of WCCFL28, to be held at the University of Southern California in February. We hope Arum enjoys the sunny West Coast for us.

  • McNabb co-authors two new papers

    Yaron McNabb has just had two articles based on research done with colleagues at Northwestern University published: “Distinguishing the Said from the Implicated Using a Novel Experimental Paradigm” was published in Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment to Theory, and was written with Meredith Larson, Ryan Doran, Rachel Baker, Matthew Berends, Alex Djalali, and Gregory Ward. “On the Non-Unified Nature of…

  • Kuzmack’s work contributes to new book

    Stefanie Kuzmack‘s research on the English suffix –ish has been used in Muriel Norde’s new book,  Degrammaticalization (Oxford U. Press).  In fact, there’s a subsection of a chapter based on her work. Check it out!