Category: conferences

  • Kang going to WCCFL

    Arum Kang‘s abstract (entitled “On the Semantic Role of the Accentual Phrase in Korean Noun Phrase Coordination”) has been accepted for presentation in the main session of WCCFL28, to be held at the University of Southern California in February. We hope Arum enjoys the sunny West Coast for us.

  • CLS 46 call for papers

    The 46th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society will be held April 8-10, 2010 at the University of Chicago. The conference will include a general session and three parasessions dedicated to Reevaluating the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, Multilingualism, and Probabilistic Theories of Grammar. We welcome papers from all major linguistic subfields and frameworks as well as…

  • This weekend we’re SWAMPed

    Attention all semanticists and acronym lovers: The Semantics Workshop of the American Midwest and Prairies (SWAMP) will be taking place on campus this Friday, November 20.  The workshop brings together graduate student researchers from institutions across the Midwest. Ryan Bochnak and Tommy Grano are  among the presenters. See the SWAMP website here, and do plan…

  • Lemieux going to SSILA

    Third-year Ph.D. student Alice Lemieux had her paper, “A compositional approach to bipartite verbs in Washo”, accepted for presentation at the SSILA 2010 Annual Meeting in Baltimore, January 7-10. Way to go!  Alice is also currently at the University of Rochester this fall as a member of the Human Language Processing Lab/Jaeger Lab. . .…

  • CLS 45 says, Thanks!

    To commemorate this one-month mark after the closing of our fabulous CLS 45 conference, we’ve put up a summary page on the website so you can relive it. Be sure to check out the photo album, chock full of pictures from the conference and banquet, taken and compiled by our own Christina Weaver. Thanks again for helping us make…