Category: alumni

  • Alumni update: Elaine and Alex Francis

    A huge congratulation to Elaine J. Francis (Ph.D. 1999), who has recently been promoted to associate professor with tenure at Purdue University in Indiana, where she teaches in the English Department and the graduate Linguistics Program.   For her 1999 dissertation Variation within Lexical Categories, she worked with advisor Salikoko Mufwene and committee members Amy Dahlstrom,…

  • Alumni tidbits

    Ilya Yakubovich (PhD 2008) continues to live in Chicago and contribute to scholarship as much as his schedule allows him. In April 2009, his paper “Hittite-Luvian Bilingualism and the Origin of Anatolian Hieroglyphs” was awarded Oliver Gurney Memorial Prize for the best paper in Anatolian Studies written by a junior scholar. In October 2009, he defended his second dissertation “Studies in…

  • U. of C. connection in latest Language issue

    The September 2009 issue of Language (Vol. 85, No. 3) contains a special section entitled “SIL and the disciplinary culture of linguistics,” comprising an important set of papers about the role of SIL’s linguistic work. Several of the contributors have connections to our department:  Lise Dobrin and Ken Olson are PhDs from our department; Jeff…

  • Chicago alumni goings-on

    Chicago linguistics alumnus Aaron Griffith, now a lecturer at the University of Vienna, had his article, “The animacy hierarchy and the distribution of the notae augentes in Old Irish,” published in the December 2008 issue of the journal Ériu. Aaron’s recent conference presentations have included “Raising of *e to *i before *µ in Old Irish” at the Sound of Indo-European conference in Copenhagen this month, and “pro in…

  • Lee to Notre Dame

    Jung-Hyuck Lee (Ph.D. 2006) has been appointed senior lecturer at the University of Notre Dame teaching Korean languages and civilization courses. Congratulations, Jung-Hyuck!