- 2009. ‘I want to buy it’ in the Albanian glossary of Arnold von Harff. Transactions of the Philological Society. Volume 107: 2: 231-252.
- With Şerife Geniş. Formation of a Diasporic Community: The History of Migration and Resettlement of Muslim Albanians in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Middle Eastern Studies. Volume 45: 4: 553-569.
Meanwhile, here is a photo from Kelly’s summer jaunts:

Kelly makes friends with a Swedish runestone
She explains: “The stone is two fragments of a 10th century runestone fromSigtuna, Sweden that have been re-attached. According to a nearby plaque, translated into English it reads, ‘Sven had this stone set up in memory of his father and Frödis in memory of her husband Ulv. God help his soul.’ The script employed is the younger futhark, popular in Scandanvian stone carving between 800-1100. One way you can tell it’s the younger runes is by looking at the rune by the knuckles in my right hand near the crack. It is a vertical line with two horizontal lines going all the way across. This is the rune for [o].”
Fun stuff. Thanks, Kelly, for sharing!