Japanese man carried radioactive soil from Fukushima NPP to Ukrainian university via The Voice of Russia

The luggage of a Japanese citizen flying from Frankfurt to Kyiv exceeded the acceptable radiation levels more than twice. It turned out that the man was carrying a mixture of clay and soil taken from the Fukushima nuclear power plant after the nuclear disaster.

The radioactive luggage was found at the Borispol airport, the press service for the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service reported.

An inspection of the luggage yielded two plastic containers with a mixture of clay and soil weighing a total of 12 kilos. The radiation levels in the containers exceeded the acceptable levels more than twice.

The Japanese man said the mixture of clay and soil was taken on the territory of the Fukushima nuclear power plant during the nuclear disaster. He said he was carrying it to the Zhytomyr National Agroecological University.

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Related article: 福島原発周辺の土、空港で没収 ウクライナ許容の倍の線量 via 東京新聞


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