We’d love to hear from you, and we’re excited to post your work. Please don’t hesitate to submit academic papers you’re working on, editorial pieces, stories, poems, plays, images– your submissions can be short and sweet or as long as you darn well please.
We want this to be a forum for MAPHers at their smartest, wittiest, and best. But let us set some parameters.
- One thing: if you’re committed to a certain cause or, say, political candidate, by all means write an editorial piece and use our blog to share your thoughts and mobilize like-minded peers. We ask, however, that you speak for yourself; that is, we don’t want the blog to become a big bulletin board for your organization/candidate’s publications (include a link to a website if you like!).
- Another thing: we reserve the right to not post or un-post submissions that cross a certain threshold into vulgarity or inappropriateness. Keep in mind that controversial does not have to equal offensive, and use your judgment when submitting pieces. Also, though we understand the versatility and beauty of certain words (often four letters long), we ask that you not be gratuitous in using such language.
- People in submitted photos should be a) clothed, b) consuming moderate amounts of alcohol, if any, c) engaging in moderate PDAs, if any d) should grant documented consent for the photo to be posted. (Litmus test: if you wouldn’t want grandma to see it, don’t submit it.)
- This blog is representative of MAPH and the University. It is also an open and friendly forum. This is not an appropriate space to slander or vilify other students or members of the University community. We do not consider it slander for you to undertake, however, a critique of actions or words—so long as it is supported by evidence and thoughtful analysis.
- We’ll figure out “artistic license” situations on a case-by-case basis.
- One last disclaimer: Due to pressing and totally fascinating administrative duties, we at the MAPH office can’t offer editing services– we’ll post things as we receive them, typos and all.
Beyond these parameters, the blog is yours to shape and make flourish. To submit pieces, updates, pictures, whatever—email them to us at ma-humanities AT uchicago DOT edu and we’ll put them up pronto!
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