This fall, join us for at least two (!) alumni events in Chicago. And stay tuned, MAPH is taking the “Clark Street Ale House Reality Experience” on the road. We’ll be hosting alumni events in Cities That Are Not Chicago this year. We’re thinking about New York in the Fall. Would people come to a MAPH alumni Holiday Party in New York? (What are these magical events? Find out after the jump…)
- October 13: Quarterly MAPH Alumni Happy Hour. MAPH buys as many drinks as our measly budget allows. Usually that means the first round for everyone is on MAPH. After that you’re on your own, cheapskates. But do come. These are becoming regular sources of entertainment. Last time we had 30 people. This time I want 100. Clark Street Ale House: 5PM and we don’t stop.
- October 23: Core Redux and Bears Game. Do you miss Core already? Do you want to pretend that you miss Core already and watch the Bears play (LIVE FROM LONDON!) the Bucs. We haven’t decided what *SHORT* reading we’ll do, but we’ll have coffee and a discussion of a short piece, and then grill/eat brats, burgers (and sensible vegetarian things), pretend to watch the football game, and drink some cheap beers. Tentative location (pending girlfriend approval, so like 90% sure): my apartment in Logan Square….more on that soon.
- If you’d like to host an alumni event (especially in another city), or if you’re super excited about either of the above, feel free to RSVP to ajaronstein@uchicago.edu. Or, make sure that you’re a member of the official MAPH Facebook group and RSVP there.
See you soon!
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