MAPH and the 64th Street Print Shop are very pleased to announce that we’ll be holding a screening of the documentary film TYPEFACE this coming Friday (10/22) at 6:30 in Social Sciences 122. Several 2004 MAPH alums collaborated in the making of TYPEFACE including producer and director Justine Nagan. It was recently nominated for a regional Emmy for best documentary. The film focuses on a museum and print shop in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, as a central location in the continuing evolution of printmaking, and it raises questions about the connection between past and future craft practices, the convergence of modern design and traditional technique. You can read more about the film by checking out their website. OR check out the official trailer here!
After the screening, several MAPH alums who took part in the making of the film will be available for a brief Q&A session. Participants will include Justine Nagan, Associate Producer Starr Marcello, Director of Cinematography Tom Bailey, and researcher/photographer Brendan Kredell. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about the great work that other MAPH alums are doing (and to see a wonderful film as well)!
AND since you’re already heading to Hyde Park for the screening, why not grab a drink at social hour beforehand? As you may recall, it starts at 4pm in Classics 110 and the drinks and snacks are free as always. Come meet the exuberant 2011 class of MAPHers, share your infinite post-MAPH wisdom, and reconnect with each other!
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