Luna Tech Support VRC

Need Help Finding Images in LUNA?

Are you looking for images for a class presentation or paper? The VRC is here to help!

LUNA is the Department of Art History’s teaching resource of more than 165,000 digital images designed for use in conjunction with current classes. To access this database, click here. You will be prompted to login with a Cnet ID and password.

Next, you can browse the Art History Department Image Collection by clicking the center link.

Narrow your results using the What, Where, Who and When facets on the left.

Keyword search is at upper right. To do an advanced search, click the link under the keyword search box.

Limit your search to the Art History Department Image Collection, and then search any of the fields in the drop-down menu. Limiting to this collection allows searching of more specific fields, though you may find searching multiple collections useful as well.

Now that you’ve found some relevant images, you may want to return to them later. Use the Share This function to email yourself a link to your search results, or create a media group to access at a later time.

To learn more about searching for images in LUNA, please feel free to contact the VRC to schedule an appointment. We provide image searching orientation for individuals and small groups. Additional VRC-created LUNA tutorials and LUNA-provided flash tutorials are also available.


By arybin

Assistant Director, Visual Resources Collection, University of Chicago
THATCamp Organizer