Category: conferences

  • UChicago at the Amsterdam Colloquium

    Congratulations to the following linguistics graduate students who have had papers accepted for presentation at this year’s Amsterdam Colloquium: Andrea Beltrama, “Totally tall sounds totally younger. From meaning composition to social perception” Tim Grinsell, “An argument for vagueness with holes” Patrick Munoz, “His name is ‘Socrates’ because that’s what he’s called: A model-theoretic account of name-bearing” They will…

  • Linguistics at UChicago Humanities Day

    The University of Chicago’s Humanities Day is October 17th, and the Department of Linguistics has several faculty members who will be presenting. Due to space limitations, please register at to reserve your seat now! [SESSION 1 9:30-10:30 A.M.] Jason Merchant  How to write around the world (And which ways are best) From Sumeria, Egypt,…

  • UChicago at SSILA

    There are a number of UChicago connections at the concurrent meeting of SSILA (Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas): 1. “Information structure conditioned word order in Potawatomi” by Robert Lewis 2. ” On the pragmatic relationship indexed by Long Distance Agreement in Meskwaki” by Amy Dahlstrom 3. “A preliminary study…

  • UChicago at LSA 2016

    The program for the 2016 LSA annual meeting is out and it looks like UChicago will have another strong showing at the upcoming annual meeting! The list of presentations is given below (presentation info for the meetings of the sister societies and other symposiums are not  yet available). “Decomposing complex relations between phonological maps” by…

  • CLS 51 Program and Abstracts

    The conference program for CLS 51 is now available with short abstracts at their website: