Japanese Community Goes Solar, Wants No Nuclear via NTD Television

In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear crisis, residents of one small community are taking energy into their own hands.

Just 50 miles from the controversial Ohi nuclear plant, a tiny 42-person community is producing its energy from solar power.

The man behind the solar power plant says it has also helped keep the youth interested in the rural community.

[Yosuhiro Hosoda, Proponent of Solar Plant]:
“I feel it has made the area more optimistic. As the town is graying, there are a lot of elderly here and not that many young people. Before all of this, when we were talking amongst ourselves, there weren’t any optimistic things to talk about.”

The project was started before the Fukushima nuclear crisis, but since the tragic event, the residents’ conviction has only grown.

View video/read more at Japanese Community Goes Solar, Wants No Nuclear

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