Rethinking the myth that we cannot make energy independence financially feasible via The Japan Times online

Human beings’ inalienable fascination with fossil fuels and their lack of political confidence in driving the nation through a careful energy transition process have often put the energy independence dream in the backseat among national priorities.

While complete energy independence can only be an ideal scenario in the globalized world, the term refers to a much more practical situation where a country eventually reduces the dependence on external sources and rely more on the domestic supply capabilities.

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4 Responses to Rethinking the myth that we cannot make energy independence financially feasible via The Japan Times online

  1. yukimiyamotodepaul says:

    Thank you for posting this article. Indeed, it is a myth, capturing our mind to the extent that it becomes a belief… But the author unfolds it well by illustrating different ways of dealing with energy issues. Enlightening.

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