“Q&A: Is Fukushima as bad as Chernobyl?” via CNN News

(CNN) — Japan raised the severity level of its nuclear crisis to the maximum level seven on Tuesday, putting the Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster on a par with the Chernobyl accident in 1986.

The decision to raise the crisis level up from five to seven came after a review of the amount of radiation released in the month since the plant was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, says Japan’s official nuclear watchdog, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA).

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One Response to “Q&A: Is Fukushima as bad as Chernobyl?” via CNN News

  1. essay says:

    TEPCO(Tokyo Denryoku)’s head office is doing nothing to do.
    Now,there are many distriction on saying about nuclear problems. On TV,Newspapers and Internet, Our real opinion is suppressed like in China.
    Fukushima 50 memmbers (really about 700) are struggling to the problem. But mammbers of Head Office of TEPCO in Tokyo are doing nothing for solving this situations.
    Their main interest are self^difending and keeping their income,I think.
    We can’t watch or hear their real opinion or thought.
    Because all of the media don’t take their commmennt and not broadcast or Write.
    Have you ever seen the Interview program at TEPCO’s Head Office memmbers?
    TEPCO’s responsibity is now the Taboo.

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